A Threnody For Modern Romance?
Romance, conceptually something I deeply desire but simultaneously have a love/hate relationship with. It's something that bitterly I admit is only really possible in fantasy, pair bonding is something that can only really happen if all the figurative stars align or you're in the perfect circumstances in life for the seed to be planted and flourish. Not to mention the cold reality that physical attraction/genetics plays a big if not the biggest role in whether or not you get to experience it. I had read someone describe romance as "a narcissistic fantasy for the privileged" since it's something often depicted in settings consisting of rich beautiful people who are aloof to how privileged they are so I can't really disagree, on the other hand if we were to apply "romance" to more odd scenarios, it can work and break this rather unfortunate setting. Personally I find situations of broken individuals finding a connection to be far more impactful, loser protagonists/underdogs getting the girl, a shellshocked warrior finding warmth in the world that seems indistinguishable from hell itself, an outcast coming across someone/something seemingly otherworldly and finds common ground despite being from worlds apart.
Yearning for an innocent romance, since I never got to have one and now I'm too old and there is no going back :D

Seriously where is she??? Help??????

It gets raunchier... |
Beware... |
fdsafdsafdsfdassdfa |